Friends I need to do this before I post anything significant.
Two years back ..... I was a philosophical fool. I added hysterical metaphors, out-of-the world similes and wayward thoughts in all my essays, stories and whatever stuff i wrote. Whenever I come across a stray manuscript of mine I always end up telling "How immature my writing actually was?" (Don't even think what does 'immature' exactly signifies.) Yet I enjoyed writing, so I wrote.
Well then came 2 years in Kota which actually drained all the figures of speech out of my life. With Physics, Chemistry and Maths always around any scope for literary activities was lost.
Writing anything would mean losing out on time to study. So I did not write. Kota brought with itself a very deep sense of practicality in everything. But now with this weird feeling of being unemployed and just being lethargic the whole day I wanted to write again. And then Santwana suggested about writing a blog(which I had introduced her to a few months back). And then there was....... "Impulsive Expressions"
Comments , criticisms and back-bites always welcome.
3 weeks ago
3 Views & Reviews Expressed:
u can b sure of atleast one reader tho.. c i m as unemployed as u r ;)
all d best !
well u have lotsa readers..u know it..but y no more ...y dont u post new ones now...
hey plzz don't stop writing!!I've been reading ur blog since u started it..n i have just another fan of urs
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