I really have no idea where this relationship with Shruti is going to. All I know it's not love. But love is what we were talking of the other day.

"Love, they say, is the sweetest fever. Love - the most powerful and effective force that ever drove any human in any particular direction. Love, they say, can ignite what time has extinguished. If there ever was a person who ran away from love, he ran away from life.It's a dreamweaver that enables us to dream with open eyes. Love, they say, is nothing short of a miracle if you have found one that's true. If it has to happen, it will... there is no particular way. Love, they say, ...," said Shruti(obviously).

What is wrong with this girl? Love, they say... Love, they say...No one says all this, girl. Only you say such things.Girl, you are in love with love.

I did not stop her from explaining the dynamics of love. At least that gave me an opportunity to look and admire her dusky beauty and catch expressions that Katherine Heigl only can produce on the demand of a director.

"Debi....Are you listening or not? Am I talking with a pillar? Debi.."

"Love , I think, is a compromise. "It is always not rainbows and butterflies sometimes it's just a compromise." That's what Maroon5 had to say about love. Love, I think, always leaves you contemplating. Thinking whether you are in it or just faking it for the sake. Love, I think, is a deception, an illusion that ..."

"You are such a cynic", she cut me short.

"So have you ever loved someone then?" I asked.

"No. I have not. That is why I just kept on telling. Love, they say, not Love I think."

So here I had my chance to tell something nice and romantic- let's clear my image of a cynic. What shall I say? Think, Debi think.

"Don't worry Shruti. Love, they say," I paused for dramatic effect, "takes a moment."

Good job, Debi. That was neat.

"Yeah, you are right Debi but sometimes this one moment takes a lot of time to come."

How true her words were. Perhaps the only thing that was true from what all she had said before. Now she was knowing what's love. Or at least I hoped so.

4 Views & Reviews Expressed:

love, "i think", is just chemical locha !

love is patient
love is kind;
love makes you slowly lose your mind!

yeah... that's true.. slowly lose our mind...it takes a li'l time

love is so sweet..it can add sweetness 2 harsh ppl 2..love makes us care 4 sme1..worry 4 sme1..its da wonderfull gift provided by r nature 2 us..

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