Months ago my friend Maurya and me were waiting for the school bus to come back from its first trip and then take us home.

"I really like that girl there,"said Maurya.

I said,"Like? I have never seen you talk with her."

"Just noticed her a few times in school.She is so sweet and nice.Just have a look at her eyes. They are so.... so... "

"So what? Beautiful,deep, mystique,intriguing. So what?"

"No. They are so big and round"

Oh!How prosaic! Sometimes beauty is too good for words. Not that I am saying this girl was beautiful. I had not seen her. I was facing Maurya and he was looking at the girl.

"So, go talk to her man"

"No yaar(friend) what shall I go and tell? Plus she is not even looking at me. No yaar. She will look," said the optimist.

45 minutes later

We are still waiting for the bus and Maurya is still looking at the girl.

"I have had enough,"declared Maurya. "I have been trying to make eye contact with her. But she is not even looking at me. Bhau-Khau"

"How will she know you are looking at her and want to talk with her?"Saying this I turned towards her. "See she is looking the other side. How will she know you were looking?"

"Hey look. She is looking this way now.See,"said Maurya. He improvised with his hairstyle and facial expressions - engineering a very cute boy smile.

"I mean why did she look this way after so much time all of a sudden? Why not before?"said Maurya.

"But tell me what advancement did you make by her looking this way."

"Now I get it. The only difference between all that time and this is that you are facing her. So she turned to look at you. Not me. You traitor. You too Brutus. She is like your bhabhi ."

"Cut out the nautanki(drama). I am not interested in her nor for any relationship. Go talk to her if you want to."

And he went ahead and talked to this girl. She smiled and talked nicely or so it seemed from athe place where I stood. Then Maurya came back.

"So what did she say?"I asked.

"I asked her for her Physics notes and Practical copy. And she will give. But you are in luck."


"She asked your name, traitor"

Thank God the bus came then.

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cooool eh debi :)

Aaawww!! Someone is!!!!

So that gives us all a lesson...dont be with debi when you are trying to woo a female!!! ;)

{big grin}.....well i did not want to then with any1 so no luck actually plus she asked just the name..thats almost nothing..i thought you guys would be offering consolation for Maurya

Dude one word of advice, in order NOT to get frust (pronounced froosth in kgp) in kpur, catch some fish b4hand..... accept their advances..... coz iit ki bandiyan.... :(

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